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Pressemitteilungen zur Vergasung

CTEC liefert weiterhin niedrige Emissionen und erhebliche Einsparungen. Während wir weiter wachsen und expandieren, halten wir Kunden und Investoren gerne über unsere Technologie und ihre Anwendungen auf dem Laufenden . Werfen Sie unten einen Blick auf die neuesten Branchenentwicklungen. 

February 1, 2022

Tonnes of COVID-19 health care waste expose urgent need to improve waste management systems

world health organisation

The WHO Global analysis of health care waste in the context of COVID-19: status, impacts and recommendations bases its estimates on the approximately 87,000 tonnes of personal protective equipment (PPE) that was procured between March 2020- November 2021 and shipped to support countries’ urgent COVID-19 response needs through a joint UN emergency initiative. Most of this equipment is expected to have ended up as waste.

“COVID-19 has forced the world to reckon with the gaps and neglected aspects of the waste stream and how we produce, use and discard of our health care resources, from cradle to grave,” said Dr Maria Neira, Director, Environment, Climate Change and Health at WHO.  “Significant change at all levels, from the global to the hospital floor, in how we manage the health care waste stream is a basic requirement of climate-smart health care systems, which many countries committed to at the recent UN Climate Change Conference.”

They point out that over 140 million test kits, with a potential to generate 2,600 tonnes of non-infectious waste (mainly plastic) and 731,000 litres of chemical waste have been shipped, while over 8 billion doses of vaccine have been administered globally producing 144,000 tonnes of additional waste in the form of syringes, needles, and safety boxes.

As the UN and countries grappled with the immediate task of securing and quality-assuring supplies of PPE, less attention and resources were devoted to the safe and sustainable management of COVID-19 related health care waste.

“It is absolutely vital to provide health workers with the right PPE, “said Dr Michael Ryan, Executive Director, WHO Health Emergencies Programme. “But it is also vital to ensure that it can be used safely without impacting on the surrounding environment.”

This means having effective management systems in place, including guidance for health workers on what to do with PPE and health commodities after they have been used.  Today, 30% of healthcare facilities (60% in the least developed countries) are not equipped to handle existing waste loads, let alone the additional COVID-19 load - impacting communities living near poorly managed landfills and waste disposal sites through contaminated air from burning waste, poor water quality or disease carrying pests.

Recommendations include investment in non-burn waste treatment technologies, reverse logistics to support centralized treatment and investments in the recycling sector. The COVID-19 waste challenge and increasing urgency to address environmental sustainability offer an opportunity to strengthen systems to safely and sustainably reduce and manage health care waste. This can be through strong national policies and regulations, regular monitoring and reporting and increased accountability, behaviour change support and workforce development, and increased budgets and financing.

“A systemic change in how health care manages its waste would include greater and systematic scrutiny and better procurement practices,” said Dr Anne Woolridge, Chair of the Health Care Waste Working Group, International Solid Waste Association (ISWA).

“There is growing appreciation that health investments must consider environmental and climate implications, as well as a greater awareness of co-benefits of action. For example, safe and rational use of PPE will not only reduce environmental harm from waste, it will also save money, reduce potential supply shortages and further support infection prevention by changing behaviours.”

The analysis comes at a time when the health sector is under increasing pressure to reduce its carbon footprint and minimize the amount of waste being sent to landfill — in part because of the great concern about the proliferation of plastic waste and its impacts on water, food systems and human and ecosystem health.

17. Januar 2020

Shaanxi Investition Xinxing

CTEC Energy besuchte China im neuen Jahr, um verschiedene Unternehmen zu treffen, Shaanxi Investment Xinxing. Xu Tianyou, Sekretär, Exekutivdirektor und Geschäftsführer der Xinxing-Partei der Shaanxi Investment Group Co., Ltd. Li Bo, Mitglied der allgemeinen Partei und Geschäftsführer der Lixin Optoelectronics Co., Ltd., Wang Haibo, stellvertretender Chefökonom .

29. November 2019

Die Pune Municipal Corporation

CTEC Energy verbrachte neun Tage in Indien, um sich mit außergewöhnlichen Menschen zu treffen, die gemeinsam ihren Umgang mit Plastikmüll verbessern wollen. Eines der Treffen war mit Kommissar DS Molak von The Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC), er hat Wunder für Pune getan und wird weiterhin ihre Lebensweise verbessern und CTEC im neuen Jahr unterstützen. 


Hanmant Ramdas Gaikwad alias HR Gaikwad ist ein indischer Unternehmer und Chairman und Managing Director von BVG India Limited, Indiens größtem Unternehmen für integrierte Dienstleistungen. HR Gaikwad war äußerst aufgeregt, von der Technologie von CTEC Energy zu hören, und lud uns zu sich nach Hause ein, um über die Möglichkeit zu sprechen, unsere Systeme in Indien zu installieren.

The Pune Municipal Corporation

Commissioner DS Molak von The Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) mit CTEC Energy

HR Gaikwad and Mike Burns

Mike Burns und Hanmant Ramdas Gaikwad

14. Februar 2018

Pressemitteilung von Coast to Capital

coast to capital logo

Coast to Capital hat 1,8 Millionen £ aus seinem Growing Places Fund an CTEC Energy gespendet, um mit der weltweit ersten Advanced Conversion Technology (ACT)-Anlage zur Bereitstellung sauberer Energie beizutragen. Dieses spannende Projekt wird außerdem allein in Newhaven bis zu 58 Arbeitsplätze schaffen und die Entwicklung von sechs weiteren zukünftigen Werken in und um Sussex ermöglichen.

Februar 2016

Die grüne Führerin Natalie Bennett besucht ein Unternehmen für saubere Energie

Green Party leader Natalie Bennett, pictured middle, visits CTEC Energy in Newhaven

Die Vorsitzende der Grünen, Natalie Bennett, in der Mitte abgebildet, besucht CTEC Energy in Newhaven

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